Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who is your daddy?

Stuart Mains shares his convictions as a Campus Minister handling “Kingdom Kids” issues coming to the fold.

Here Mains challenged Anthony Galang’s son to think of his dad being a ‘grandfather’ while he will take over the role of ‘daddy’.

Herewith the transcript that is done to the best of my abilities. Notice, Mains had issues with Anthony’s son. Look how he address those issues and see where the ICOC is heading with their shepherding methodologies.

First the intro to the class.

"Many of our future leaders were born within the church itself. This is an incredible blessing as an entire generation of students enters the campus ministry with a thorough understanding of our culture and history. Yet, this also poses some unique challenges along with the opportunities. This class will discuss such issues while advising campus leaders how to best care and train their “kingdom kid” students.'

I had a talk with one of the freshmen. I don’t know if you guys know the Galang’s? Anthony Galang’s son – the guy from KNN… Nick Galang? … and his son is part of our ministry. And what he was doing was totally normal. I was fired up. He was calling his parents to get advice about what to do for Bible discussions and different things. And to be honest, Anthony has been doing this for a lot longer than I have. So I have no qualms with him getting this advise. But what I saying, bro we need to be connected. I want to be a part of this loop… and you get advice… you know we advise together with him. Let’s talk about this.

But I did not handle it in the best way. So we go to Starbucks one d-time. And we were talking there. I go: “You know bro. I want to make something very-very clear.” I said: “You are here, you are at UCI now. Okay? When you leave your house, you got to think of your dad more as your ‘grandfather’ now. You know? You call him. You talk to him. He is a wise man and you get advise from him. But if Anthony would be your ‘grandfather’. Who would be your daddy?

And he was like… ‘What?!’ “That’s right you heard me.” Totally straight face, I was dying inside there. I was like… I asked him. Nick who is your daddy? I stared at him! He goes. “Are you my daddy?” “That’s right, baby – I’m your daddy!”

Afterwards, I had a part of me… “Okay, no, let me help you understand my thinking. Let’s talk about this. Let’s be on the same page.” But my heart… The thing I was trying to address is that we want them to understand – we want to help them to understand that they kinda got to break off! You know what I mean? They got to have their own convictions. We’ll get on to them to have their own convictions help them. Not have a rebellious attitude. Not have a mindset “Oh man this is so great! Get away from me. I am never going to call my parents again." But also not having an attitude. “My Campus Minister knows squad! And I got to talk to my parents about everything. Yea, I’ll let you in the loop. I guess." You know what I mean? "I’m doing my own thing. I’m pushing my own agenda." Which can be an issue when you have these Kingdom Kids come in who have been around for a while.

  • Stuart Mains, Class Recording of Class Session 2: How Do I Best Train and Care for "Kingdom Kids"?, 2010 ICMC North America, 31 July 2010


    Anonymous said...

    i am Nick Galang. if i don't tell Stuart what's going on my life im easy prey for Satan. obviously he's not my real father or my "daddy", he's making a point and helping me in dealing with my own sin of pride and ignorance. please don't post about me without knowing who i am, that would be much appreciated.
    his methodology is an angle, not a blanket approach.

    Sarel de Wet said...

    Dear Nick

    Thank you for your open response. Here at icoccommentary, we did not explicitly mentioned you by name other than what was stated in the quote. We will not write about you unless you've given us reason to do so. However, the issue at stake is more of our concern. The idea (methodology) that a Christian can 'disciple' another Christian the way Stuart has approached you is wrong and unbiblical. We know who your real father is.)

    Please take some time and read more about improper mentor relationships here.

    Thank you for commenting freely!