Sunday, June 03, 2007

The James Lloyd Story: PART2a: An innate doctrinal difference cover-up on ICOC baptism practice flourishes

An introduction

Churches affiliated with the Portland “discipling” Movement led by World Missions Evangelist, Kip McKean and former International Churches of Christ (ICOC) congregations under the umbrella of the Unity Proposal Group still expect prospective members on either side to become a disciple first before receiving baptism.

This means the prerequisite for membership in either group in order to become “saved” is to become “a disciple first” with baptism to follow. The Boston Church of Christ, which under scribe to the Unity Proposal Group teaches this important step: And one must be committed to being a disciple prior to being baptized. However, Kip McKean’s fellowship accentuates the importance to become a sold-out baptized disciple.

Many ICOC’ers view their baptism policies as standard biblical doctrine as taught proper since the inception of the Boston movement days of 1979, but they are unaware of its deceptive origins and heresy.

The mere fact that the former ICOC were based on man-imposed doctrine cannot be stressed enough. Henry Kriete’s plea for reform within the ICOC has fallen on deaf ears: Movement wide, we have no choice but to admit and apologize, expose and expunge, denounce and dismantle.

In reality, the baptismal doctrinal outlook of the ICOC has not changed radically since the Kriete 2003 letter. Perhaps, the upheaval that occurred in the fellowship of the ICOC as events played out in the new millennium has blinded many church members from seeking truthful solutions concerning ICOC doctrine. Former members like myself were horrified to find ICOC members were totally apathetic in getting outside help for the ICOC dilemma. Even so, the 2004 Faithful Conversations with the Church of Christ have not promoted any workable solutions for the doctrinal heresies of the former ICOC. Amazingly, the former ICOC moved a little closer to the Church of Christ when one-on-one discipleship practices were temporarily abandoned in some congregations. The McKean’s were aghast.

However, in 2005 more and more neutral ICOC churches shifted towards discipleship relationships, which are now part and parcel of the standard practice of the United Co-operation Group. The reason is currently explained in the Boston Church of Christ Repentance and Discipleship study series: (

Repentance and discipleship are the same thing. Discipleship is being committed to following Jesus in all areas of your life, and fishing for men. And one must be committed to being a disciple prior to being baptized.
  • "Repentance and Discipleship Study"


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    Iglesia de Cristo de Boston
    El serie de los estudios en español de la iglesia de Cristo de Boston.
    (The Study Series in Spanish from the Boston Church of Christ)

    Notice the careful grammatical arrangement regarding teaching “one must become a disciple first before baptism” or "Repentance and discipleship are the same thing" although this concept is not quoted anymore in the study material, it implies exactly it:

    The Great Commission: God’s plan to save the world. Disciples make disciples by baptizing people from all nations in his name and teaching them to become mature, obedient followers of Jesus. Efforts to reach the world with the gospel are multiplied when every disciple embraces Jesus’ final charge. Are you willing to answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus?

    When we understand who Jesus is in light of his death and resurrection, our response of faith is to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:36-38). This study is designed to show a seeker what biblical repentance entails.

    Luke 3:7-14. The tangible fruit of repentance is the evidence of a changed mindset. John the Baptist insisted on repentance before baptism. If you were to ask John, “What should I do?” how would he respond to you?

    Quoting from a source like John the Baptist who was never a Christian or direct disciple of Christ is bad biblical exegesis. Even Paul the apostle had to rebaptize John’s disciples in Acts 19:3!

    Here the Boston Study guide insists like John the Baptist repentance BEFORE baptism. Meaning: “Are you willing to answer the call to be a disciple of Jesus?” If so, repent and be baptized. Therefore the ICOC views remains, Repentance and discipleship are the same thing.

    The only appropriate and acceptable response to Jesus and his death on our behalf is willing obedience to God through following his Son; anything less cheapens the sacrifice that was made for us. These Scriptures should inspire us to embrace the high calling of discipleship to Jesus Christ. []

    The ICOC has no idea what circumstances God saved Abraham in Romans 4:10,11. Did God’s own actions “cheapens the sacrifice”?

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    Sarel de Wet said...

    Thank you for comment freely. I am currently in my latest articles focussing my attention on the doctrines of the Churches of Christ ('C' or 'c'). Anybody is free to comment! If users would like to make use of my material - feel free! Please mention your source.)