Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The “Precious Bird”: Campus Evangelism

Some things of the past…

Douglas Arthur’s 1990 segment from Shining Like Stars mentions campus ministry is the goose that laid the golden egg. For good reason because predominately ICOC leadership derive from evangelistic efforts made by students on campuses; with a few exceptions, the leaders in the fastest growing churches in the world were met and converted during their college years. And many of those not actually converted in college were converted or trained in the ministry by those who were.

Campus evangelism is the lifeline for the ICC and ICOC* ministries. From this platform, unexpected students on campuses are on the receiving end of the ICC and ICOC’s most talented people who devote themselves exclusively to that work scouting for prospective disciples who might become future leaders of a movement that strives to grow continuously until Kingdom come! The inner mechanics of the ICC and ICOC will come to a complete halt if campus evangelism seizes.

The London ministry made a determined comeback for revival of campus evangelism in the early 90s. Here, Douglas Arthur mentions the oversight of neglecting that “precious bird” by leadership’ who recognised this error in judgement.

Such a project is supervise by the concept of a Campus Minister who answers to the Overseeing Evangelist of the congregation or body of elders where applicable.

The golden goose is capable more than any other ministry in the ICC and ICOC to ensure lots of visitors, lots of studies and lots of new Christians throughout the year. To top it all, the ICC and ICOC ministries knows that students on campuses are at the height of their receptiveness.

Something new…

The resurgence in campus revival by the ICC and ICOC are a sign of their state of readiness since the disintegration of the campus ministry after McKean’s resignation and the aftermath of Kriete’s Letter. The precious bird have been dormant but not for too long.

The planting of the International Christian Church (ICC) in South Africa is scheduled for 2011. The most obvious places for evangelism will be the colleges and campuses.

A new scheme hatched at the ICOC’s Chicago International Campus Ministries Conference (ICMC), which was richly attended by over 2000 campus members during July 29 – August 1. Here, the South African ICOC churches put out a challenge for students to take a year off and work with their campus ministries as Campus interns. This programme starts July 1st 2011 till July 2012.

Justin Renton appeals for university students or graduates who want to live on the radical edge to come to South Africa for a year and be part of a campus revival that is taking place at the churches in Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Johannesburg.

Campus interns should be Bible talk leaders with a minimum of two-year membership. They should acquire consent from a church leader and also motivate “Why I want to do the One Year challenge in South Africa”

Some warnings about engaging the ICC and ICOC

*The International Christian Churches (ICC) is a pro-McKean faction, and *the International Churches of Christ Co-operation Churches (ICOC) is an anti-McKean faction of the former International Churches of Christ (ICOC).

If you want to find any facts about any of these groups – Google it!

Never talk directly to them. First they would not know half the issues at hand – that is why most remain faithful until confronted with facts and biblical truth concerning their methodologies and doctrine. Secondly, they will listen to you but want to verify the issues with a ‘bible study’. Don’t get drawn in! Nor visit them.

A ‘church invite’ is opening the front door to the ICC and ICOC. The ICC group starting in Johannesburg 2011 will be a very small group hiring a hall or apartment. While the ICOC have been in South Africa since 1986! Well established and sizable.

A ‘bible discussion group’ is the back door entrance to the ICC and ICOC. Here, an interesting challenging discussion is designed to make you think and wonder about a topic, for example: “So many Christians, so few Churches”. Members always participates giving answers or asking questions. It’s a clever ploy, which often exposes the visitor for feeling puzzled and inadequate in the end. Members always at that moment after a discussion press for a ‘bible study’.

A ‘bible study’ is not an actual study of the Bible as you might think! It’s indoctrination to their belief system that gradually and effectively ‘brain wash’ your mind to think the way they do. If successful, you will be baptized and become part of the group for life! No jokes.

If you are a fervent supporter of infant baptism don’t engage them alone. The Churches of Christ doctrine of baptism regeneration (water baptism saves you) is powerful enough to discourage anyone who supports infant baptism. It happened to me! Lol

Students not affiliated with these groups should not engage them discussing doctrinal matters unless having deep convictions of your own on the Biblical topics such as baptism, discipleship and church polity (governance). Never allow you to be invited to any of their activities, whether it is playing volleyball, Frisbee, touch rugby or going on walks, parties, movies or coffee breaks. Remember they cannot touch you unless you give your consent! The purpose of such activities is to get you to ‘visit church’ or ‘study the bible’ with them.

Students not affiliated with these groups should rather engage them on familiar topics concerning their social standing on dating, marriage and membership requirements. These topics do not require any bible study but only a conversation. Do not consent to any form of ‘Bible study’ or ‘invite’.

Did you know that their membership is for life? Anyone who wants to remain faithful to the group may never leave! People who leave the fellowship of the ICC and ICOC have always experience a painful exit.

Did you know that members must only date members and never develop romantic feelings for non-members?

Did you know that members must only marry members and never marry Christians in other denominations (non-members)?

Did you know that any church that disallows their members to date or marry other Christians from other denominations believe they alone are Biblically saved and they alone are the true church on earth?

Did you know that members have a clear understanding according to their doctrine who-is-saved-and-who-is-not? The reason they are interested in you is because you-are-lost!

Did you know that members of the ICC and ICOC are actively seeking the lost – everyday, every hour, every opportunity? Reaching you is no co-incidence. You happen to cross their path!

If you become a member…

• You will never date outsiders but only the members of the ICC and ICOC – only members dating members.

• You will never marry some one special outside the ICC and ICOC – only members marrying members.

• Your religious outlook on life will be restricted. No one is saved but your church group. You alone are biblically saved, the only true church! This is exactly what all cults teach.

Cult experts refers to these three vital points as "inner doctrine". A teaching that is hidden and only to be revealed later as more trust is gain between the parties.

Don’t risk one-on-one conversations with ICC and ICOC members. Making friends with the ICC and ICOC will destroy your life. If you have any religious queries about the bible, your church, your world – Google it!

Search topics about the ICC and ICOC: Kip McKean; ICOC.

Finally, pay careful attention to leaders of the former ICOC who considers campus evangelism a "precious bird”.

If in the past one ICOC student ministry caused much havoc on a campus – how much more will two rivals competeing with each other bring to the table with the same agenda: Let us not neglect the goose that laid the golden egg.


X-Ray said...

Engaging them on social rather than doctrinal issues is a great idea. No matter what it discussed, the key for the Christian encountering them is to ask questions to make them think. Rational thought helps overcome the mental traps of a closed system of thought and theology.

When I confront them on salvation doctrine, I've found that it's easier to talk about confession of sin, repentance, and lordship/discipleship and avoid baptism altogether. The ICOC/ICC's system of conversion requires a candidate to do these things "perfectly" while at the same time admitting that they are lost. If they can be convinced that even one of these aspects are worthless works done by a lost person, then their whole entire system of salvation falls - and you wouldn't even have to even touch on baptism!

Another good question to ask if you're solid in your doctrine is "What is the role of the Holy Spirit in your discipling relationships?" Healthy Christians have a good balance of being lead by the Holy Spirit and being involved in other Christians lives. Since ICOC and ICC members are held captive to their system of discipling, their answer to the question should reveal that there's something significant missing in their Christian walk.

Sadly, even with strong college-aged Christians with a good foundation with the knowledge of the scriptures, it usually takes years to develop the skills to take on cultists like this head-on. The scripted "First Principles" study series along with the social and psychological manipulation techniques taught to ICOC/ICC converts makes it easier to "bear fruit" in the short term, but has devastating long-term consequences.

Sarel de Wet said...

I wholly support X-Ray's commentary. Thank you for participating! And feel 'free' to do it more often!

My opinion and past experience with the ICOC has led me to think it is wiser for those who do not have a comprehensive understanding about the ICC and ICOC doctrine to stay well clear discussing doctrinal topics with them.

Therefore it is safer to emphasize the ICC and ICOC social standing on dating and marrying only members and the dire implications for people lives. The JW's are best known for refusing blood transfusion rather than what they preach.

We must apply the same recipe to the Churches of Christ.

The issues of romantic relationships by the ICC and ICOC should surface and be exposed. It should become 'public knowledge'. Perhaps this angle is the best defense to safe-guard any unexpected student from getting entangled with ICC and ICOC gospel drama!

I doubt very much if I would have joined the ICOC in 1990 because of these simple facts concerning romantic relationships in the ICOC. It really played into effect after my conversion. I could not leave the group because I was hooked by the 'First Principles' doctrine. I walked away - only ten years later!

If a JW approached me in 1990 - common knowledge about their "inner doctrine" would have shown them the door because my local church at the time warned us about JW's social standing.

Therefore, even the mainline churches of Christ is in the firing line for receiving the ICOC in 2004. Doctrinally they share similar ideals, but socially they're all alike - dating and marrying only members.

Should this not be enough to deter any one from joining such groups?

Obviously it is very important to grasp "what they teach", but it exposes oneself unnecessary to get involve with their clever schemes converting people if one engage them one-on-one.

I was never tempted to go to a JW temple meeting because of my knowledge regarding their social issues.

Now it is time to apply the same tactics on campuses. Perhaps Christian organizations should try to contact ex-members to share their ordeals in public. I know I am willing to do just that in my area.)